We are proud to welcome GDB to the family

with their brand new RADIO SINGLE "UNDERDOG"!!!

Thank you to everyone who’s stuck around for our journey so far! This song is about that journey and the toll it’s taken on all of us. It’s been fun, however, it’s been everything but easy. We’ve hit multiple walls, gotten burned out, lost hope, gained it back, fought dragons and demons, but we will not quit. Once you roll over and die, you’re dead. That point is wrapped up in a line from this new single “We’d get more sleep if we just closed our eyes, but a corpse in the ground don’t get to see the light.” We’re on a quest for the light, and we won’t stop until we feel it’s warmth!
Love you, Ghosts. Can’t wait to see you all soon, and we hope you enjoy this new tune we put together. - GHOST DANCE BAND

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