Dan Wesley White

From an early age singing in church choirs where his dad preached, Dan Wesley White knew he enjoyed singing and playing music. Playing in band starting in the 4th grade, he quickly learned the Trumpet and Tuba, then began playing the bass guitar by the time he was in high school. His love for music and the comraderie of friends in band influenced him to audition and join the Army band program at 18 years of age. After traveling and playing the world for 9 years he left the service and started college to earn a bachelors in music education. He moved to Del Rio, TX and has been teaching there since 2006. Yearning to do more, he began recording songs based on country life and the influences of living in a border town near Mexico.
”MY OTHER FAMILY” was written as an homage to students who play in band programs and the life long friends they make. It stresses how band is an all-inclusive school club that takes anybody from any social class, ethnic background, or sexual preference and gives them a sense of belonging. “Without band, I don’t know if I would have found a purpose in life or a way to study music.” - DWW

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